High Performance Heat Pump Desiccant Technology
The EI Solutions patented FreeDry Series removes moisture more efficiently than any other active desiccant system by perfectly combining the proven advantages of direct expansion (DX) cooling with the superior moisture removal power of desiccant technology.

FreeDry™ is the most energy efficient dehumidification system available for applications requiring supply air dewpoint temperatures below 50°F.
FreeDry systems reclaim waste heat from the on-board compressors to reactivate the desiccant wheel. Simply put, FreeDry is a packaged DX unit enhanced by an active desiccant wheel to reduce latent cooling compressor requirements by 30 – 40%. The FreeDry desiccant units employ supply and reactivation fan arrays. A fan array provides many benefits over a single fan including a) redundancy, b) higher efficiency, c) quieter operation, and d) easier maintenance and lower replacement costs.
The performance and efficiency of the FreeDry Series is optimized through the on-board controller’s proprietary programming. EI Solutions brings over 25-years of developmental experience to every logic loop that is written into the control sequence. The FreeDry Series with many models is well suited for a wide range of applications.
Standard Features
- 4,000-16,000 scfm
- Silicate Desiccant Wheel
- ECM Supply Fan Array
- ECM Reactivation Fan Array
- Condenser Fans
- DH Wheel Bypass Damper
- Double Wall Construction
- Indoor or Outdoor Installation
- Modulating (0-100%) Outside and Return Air Dampers
- Stand-Alone Unit Microprocessor with BM Interface
- Space Dewpoint or Supply Air Dewpoint Control




How it Works

FreeDry™ is the most energy efficient dehumidification system available for applications requiring supply air
dewpoint temperatures below 50°F.
Each FreeDry unit offers standard options including filter upgrades, post-cooling, post-heating and enthalpy wheel heat recovery. FreeDry units are
built for indoor or outdoor installation. All units are designed to provide ease of serviceability. Access doors are located upstream and downstream of
all major components.
For the ice rink industry, FreeDry taps into the abundant waste heat from the ice plant (which is typically rejected by the cooling tower) to meet the
lower space dewpoint demands of this specialized industry.

FreeDry™ Features

Advanced low-temperature regenerated desiccant wheel

Optional heat recovery module available for LEED certification.

Dual heat-pump and desiccant technology for unsurpassed efficiency.

Waste-heat from refrigeration compressors for winter space heating.

Liquid or Packaged DX pre-cooling coil.

Variable Frequency Drives for optimum performance.

Microprocessors controls with available BMS Interface.

Foam Injected 2” double wall casing.

Fan Wall